Project Total Dismissed Active Translated
Arkona 1,130 0 1,130 1,130
Bumshak 434 0 434 434
Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos 469 0 469 469
Gladiator 1,386 0 1,386 1,386
Gothic 1 3,724 0 3,724 3,724
Gothic 2: Night of the Raven 6,111 0 6,111 6,111
Gothic 3 7,100 0 7,100 7,100
Gothic 3 Quest Pack 27 0 27 27
Gothic Remake Podcast 326 0 326 326
Mushroomers 53 0 53 53
Mój Mod 390 0 390 390
The City Guard 214 0 214 214
Union plugins 2 0 2 2
Vergessen ist nicht vergangen 648 0 648 648
Videos & Songs 892 0 892 892

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