Project Total Dismissed Active Translated
Arkona 922 0 922 922
Bumshak 570 0 570 570
Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos 3,960 0 3,960 3,960
Gladiator 1 0 1 1
Gothic 1 802 0 802 802
Gothic 2: Night of the Raven 1,920 0 1,920 1,920
Gothic 3 792 0 792 792
Gothic 3 Quest Pack 2,356 0 2,356 2,356
Gothic Remake Podcast 77 0 77 77
Mushroomers 1,391 0 1,391 1,391
Mój Mod 769 0 769 769
The City Guard 231 0 231 231
Vergessen ist nicht vergangen 533 0 533 533
Videos & Songs 35 3 32 32

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